CAR school

Saturday 24 December 2011

Jesus and Tinsel...

Well firstly I will wish you all a Happy Christmas!

It has taken me to the 24th of December to be excited. I have that little flutter in my heart this morning. I have gone through a wirl-wind of emotions about Christmas this year.

I started with being as a world we focus so much on the tree, the presents, the drinking and food, seeing people, spending tons of money, decorating the house, father Christmas....everything made me frustrated, because every conversation I had about Christmas didn't mention Jesus - because it should all be about Jesus - it's about celebrating His birth.

I then got upset...upset for Jesus. If I was Him and on my birthday everyone else gave presents and focused on everything else accept well the 'birthday person'...would be a little upset and annoyed! It made me think about what present I would give Jesus - how can I do something special for Him on his birthday? How can I make Christmas about Jesus?!

All of my thoughts made me start to hate Christmas - I would rather not have it. But it also made me want to go across to like Africa and build a well for people without clean water, because well thats a good present for Jesus, right?! All these thoughts did not settle my heart.

I woke up this morning, realising something very simple, but so amazingly awesome.

God is love...Jesus came to this earth to love. To love everyone and show others what love is.

So this Christmas I will give the presents I have bought for people, I will make sure I do extra jobs round the house, help my Mum cook in the kitchen, spend time with my family - watching the Christmas movies, I will read my Bible and the Christmas story, go out for meals with friends, maybe even do some festive baking, I will enjoy the decorations, and probably tons of other things this Christmas....because in each different way that is loving on the people around me.

Cheesy I know...but Christmas is about Love. I don't think there is enough love in this world, but if this is the time people try that little bit harder to love one-another in anyway shape or form....I think that makes Jesus smile.

So my prayer is for people to experience being loved and loving others this Christmas.
Thank you Jesus that you love us beyond description.

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