CAR school

Monday 28 November 2011


When I was younger I just did not understand how missionaries survived with not getting paid!

It is still a real alien concept for so many people in the world that people would work not for money but for serving God. To rely solely on God to provide money, resources or people to help provide.

This is something I have had to face as being on the mission field....I really struggled at times with the concept of relying on people's [very kind] donations each month, and that people provide the money for me to support me working and living in a foreign country. I found it hard accepting that it was Ok to treat yourself (occasionally), and that you are allowed and able to live like a 'normal' person.

It taught me so much about dealing with money and well for me my money is not mine - It's Gods. I have to trust God fully with my money - knowing what He says is the best for me. Sometimes that is SO hard!

More recently coming home, this has been difficult. There is a lot of expectation from myself and others that I would get a job, and to me that made sense, because you need money to life - so I would need to get a job to get money. Well God had very different ideas!

I had signed onto job seekers allowance and really started to look for a job....after two weeks (of being sick, so not actually even being able to look for a job) I spent some real time seeking God...His words were clear - come off Job seekers and do not look for a job yet, He continued: Give me the control.

I had to hand back the control of my money and life back to God - and trust him to provide.

Well...He has in abundance!
It blows me away all the time, and I cannot start to express just how grateful I am to God and all the people that have listened to God and blessed me in return. Thank you!!

This post is mostly really me expressing just how awesome God is...He knows our needs and wants to provide for us, we just need to allow Him too....

"...So don't worry about these things, saying, 'what will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?' These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God about all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need" Matthew 6:31-33

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